I first heard about Fiesole from the Merchant Ivory film of E.M. Forster's book, 'A Room with a View.' It's the scene where they go on a group picnic, Lucy falls into a bed of violets and George, enraptured by the beauty of the scenery and the lovely woman lying in the flowers before him, imprudently kisses Lucy. Ok so I have to go and check Fiesole out then!
It's a gorgeous sunny Saturday afternoon, warm enough to bring a rug and picnic and find that romantic spot... The drive up through San Domenico is breathtaking, with stunning views of Florence. In no time we're up to the top and after driving around for a bit, see a panoramic sign for Mt. Ceceri. We park up and after a short walk through thick woods we find a nice spot on a cliff edge, with this spectacular view! Although it's a bit hazy, we enjoy our picnic, basking in the February heat!
A short drive back to the main square, named after the local stonecutter, Mino da Fiesloe. We spot a museum sign, buy a ticket and go in and investigate... Wow! There are some Roman ruins, including this wonderful amphitheatre in almost perfect condition. Apparently they show Operas here in the summer... Suddenly living in Florence has got a bit more interesting! We learn that Fiesole actually pre-dates Florence. Built by the Etruscans in the 8th century B.C. and conquered by the Romans in 283 B.C. so there are both Roman and Etruscan remnants. Also included in the small 'Bandini' museum.

(Original journal entry 8/2/02)
can't wait for more! Absolutely wonderful reading. Stunning pictures and so much history, love it!
Thanks Sir Gonz! I'm really touched... I'm getting some positive feedback here from friends, but it's nice to see it in writing!
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