I Mai Visti 2 Sat 1st feb
A nice start to February, Annette is starting her diploma course in TEFL, which means she will be busy for many Fridays and every other Saturday for the next year and a half... which means I will be on my own to explore a bit.
This afternoon I decide to check out a free exhibition at the Uffizi. I came to a similar one last year, it's called, 'I Mai Visti', or 'Never Seen Before'. Basically the Uffizi art gallery has something like 10,000 thousand paintings in its basement and there is only enough floor space in the main gallery to display 1,000 of them! Also many of them were damaged in the flood of 1966 and are still waiting to be restored. Who knows what masterpieces are there waiting to be discovered...
This one is entitled 'Soprese di frutta e Fiori' it's a homage to what the Italians call 'Natura Morta' which translates as 'Dead Nature'... not very appealing! We in fact call it still life.
There are some quite nice pieces featured although nothing as good as last year's edition which included works by Titian and Boticelli.
Here's a link to some more of the pieces exhibited
Teatro Goldoni Sun 2nd

So we spend a very pleasant couple of hours in the company of Beethoven, Debussy and Schubert
Castelfranco di Sopra Sat 7th

Our landlady, Lucia has suggested another flat which we also check out today, it's in Greve, but too big, too expensive and it's in an ugly apartment
(Original journal entry 7/2/03)